But He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised
for our iniquities, ... and by His stripes we were healed. ~ Isaiah
Christian music's answer to the glam rockers of the '80s.
These guys took both the Christian and secular world by storm. By wearing
the bold outfits of yellow and black they definitely had a look very much their
own. To help get their message to the people they were trying to reach
they toured with groups such as Poison and threw bibles out to the crowds.
They have not performed in the United States since they broke up in 1991.
Several of the band members had had moderately successful solo careers.
The group had their first reunion performance at year's 2001 Cornerstone
Festival. In 2004 they returned to Night of Joy minus the Yellow and
Black suits. They return to their recording career in 2005 with
the new release Reborn.
Night of Joy Appearances
2004 ~ Galaxy Palace Theatre
1991 ~ Tomorrowland Stage
1987 ~ Tomorrowland Stage
Stryper was
Michael Sweet ~ vocals
Rob Sweet ~ drums
Oz Fox ~ guitars
Tim Gaines ~ bass
2005 ~ Reborn
2004 ~ 7 Weeks Live in America
1993 ~ Reason For the Season
1991 ~ Can't Stop the Rock
1990 ~ Against the Law
1988 ~ In God We Trust
1987 ~ To Hell With the Devil
1986 ~ Yellow and Black Attack (revised version)
1985 ~ Soldiers Under Command
1984- Yellow and Black Attack
Official Website