2003 Night of Joy/ Rock the Universe Trip Report
Friday September 5, 2003
Checking In
The morning started before the sun rose at 5am in time to make the
three hour drive from South Florida and be at my hotel and check in before the
parks open. The ride up the Florida's Turnpike was as boring as
usual. At least the expansion project on I-4 in Orlando had been completed
and there was not the usual fight to get onto the highway.
We arrived at the Hard Rock Hotel at about 8am and were
checked into a room in under 5 minutes. This was the first hotel in
Orlando that I stayed at where each person in the party had their own hotel key
personalized with their own name (which did slow us down a little as one of our
party members was not with us yet and we did not remember the correct spelling
of his last name).
The room was on the first floor and never have I felt as cold
as I did walking down the hallways in the Hard Rock. My brother likes to
keep hotel rooms as cold as possible and even he was complaining that the
hallways were cold. After getting our stuff settled we decided to go ride
a few rides at Islands of Adventure. We walked from the hotel and even
though I had heard from other people that this was a long walk I felt it was
actually easier and felt shorter than the walk from the Universal parking
structure to the parks.
To our disappointment Island of Adventure was not opening
until 10am and since the Studios was opening at 9 we decided to walk back
there. We only did one ride at the park and that was Men in Black. I
did moderately with a score of about 400,000 while my brother broke a score of
600,000. After that it close to the time we needed to pick up my brother's
friend Anthony who was driving in from Jacksonville at the local
McDonald's. Then after settling his stuff at the hotel we decided to go to
Downtown Disney.
Downtown Disney
Since we arrive at the Marketplace at about noontime
lunch was the main thing on our minds especially since none of us had breakfast
that morning. We decided to eat at the Rainforest Cafe. We had all
eaten there before and the food was good but still a little on the pricey
side. After lunch we explored Downtown Disney. The Marketplace
looked really weird without the forested area and the homes that used to be part
of the Disney Institute. The new much bigger and more modern hotel
structure looked really out of place to me along the Sassagoula
We were most perplexed as to why no one was allowed on
Pleasure Island as this was just early afternoon and no cover would have been
asked for yet. So we continued on into the Westside and spent most of our
time there in the Virgin Megastore. After looking around in Virgin we
headed back to our car and went towards the Magic Kingdom area.
Seven Seas Lagoon
With parking completed and it only being a little after
1pm we went to look around the hotels around the Seven Seas Lagoon. We
started at the Polynesian and walked around the beautifully landscaped area and
spent a little time in the small arcade. At about 2pm we took the
Polynesian boat launch over to the Magic Kingdom. Since we did not see
anything set up for Night of Joy yet we hoped on the resort monorail over to the
Contemporary Resort.
We looked in the shops and then went down to the bottom floor
and played for a while in the Contemporary's decent arcade. We played some
of the ticket redemption games but gave most of the tickets away. When it
got to be about 3 o'clock we walked back to the Magic Kingdom.
We decided t go through the security check point and wait for
the park to open to Night of Joy guests at 4pm. About 10 minutes later a separate
area was set up for those entering for Night of Joy. During a conversion
with one of the security personnel I was informed that they were going to start
letting Night of Joy guests in at 3:30. After picking up a schedule
of the night's performances we lined up at the only turnstile that seemed to be
set up to accept Night of Joy guests. There was only 2 people waiting
ahead of us and in conversing with them we found out that they had been waiting
there since before 1 o'clock (which was before we even headed towards the Magic
Kingdom parking lot). Even though we were not let into the park yet, we
were able to see some of the afternoon parade through the Railroad Tunnel
At 3:30 we were told that we were not going to be let in
until 3:45. However, do to the size of the line that was building behind
us we were not going to leave our spot. Obviously the separation between
the regular Magic Kingdom entrance and the Night of Joy entrance was not marked
as good as it should of been as we kept telling people that they were in the
wrong line for getting into the park (most having no idea that Night of Joy was
a hard ticket event or that it was even going on). We were let into the
park at about 3:50pm which still was a little earlier than the stated 4pm
Magic Kingdom Attractions
The first thing we did was go and check out the areas
that said they were marked for Night of Joy merchandise. One was going to
be a small cart at the end of Main Street but it was not set up yet. The
other was either going to be in the Merchant of Venus or in Mickey's Star
Traders. At the rose garden area of the hub there was some sort of
television taping going on. There was also a sign that said that the live
radio broadcast for the night had been moved to the Adventureland Veranda.
They were only beginning to setup something in the Merchants of
Venus so we decided to go on Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. I do not
do very good score wise here only breaking 100,000 but that was only because I
was trying to take pictures of my brother Tyler and his friend Anthony riding in
the car behind (actually in front of, because of the spinning) me.
Our next goal was to ride Space Mountain. Since Anthony
does not ride most thrill rides he decided to opt out on this one. The
line seemed longer than it probably should have been for the level of crowd and
the time. Only one side of the ride was being used even though the other
side looked fully operational and FastPass did not seem to be in use at the
time. A great thing that I did notice was the removal of the television
sets that used to be in the main switchback area and their removal once again
made the ride itself dark like it should be. Anyways, it was a great ride but we did get stopped at the
conclusion for about 5 minutes due to the fact that the operators were resetting
the speedramp for some unknown reason.
After that we wanted to ride something Anthony would enjoy
and we went on the Tomorrowland Transit Authority. This is still a great
relaxing ride that allows several great views of Tomorrowland and parts of the
hub. It was also a little more interesting than normal seeing people try
to high five each other as two TTA trains past at the approach to Space
Continuing our journey through the Magic Kingdom we worked
our way around counter clockwise. We stopped at The Many Adventures of
Winnie the Pooh, Peter Pan's Flight, the Haunted Mansion, and the non to
We were going to ride Big Thunder Mountain but it was under
refurbishment. So my brother and I went on Splash Mountain.
Surprisingly, this was a complete walk on, and turned out to be the shortest
line of the night. Splash Mountain does seem to need a refurbishment more
than Thunder Mountain. Many of the audio animatronics did not work, like
the hopping Brer Rabbit and most of the frogs and gophers in the flooded
scene. The ride was still fun.
At this time we noticed that there was going to be a stage
there instead of in the Caribbean Plaza of Adventureland where it was last
year. Disney had apparently learned from the experience of last year where
the Adventureland Stage had to be the most cramped and overcrowded stages that
there had ever been at any Night of Joy that I had attended.
We went into Adventureland and since we had not rode it the
year before went on the Jungle Cruise. Anthony had not been on this ride
before and seemed to really enjoy the corny humor of the skipper. Our
skipper had been during a pretty good job of making a fool of herself with the
spiel. She however gave us one of the best laughs of the night at the end
of the voyage. It was apparent that she was bothered by something and was
staying very close to the helm of the ship. When we were about to dock she
called out to the onshore crew members that she would need rain gear. The
crew could not figure out why and then it became obvious that she had torn her
shorts when she had quickly ducked from the "natives" in the
ride. It was quite funny.
Then my brother wanted to ride the Magic Carpets. I
rode with him the first time but he decided to ride again and he rode by
himself. After that we went and rode Pirates of the Caribbean. When
we disembarked it was time for the first concert to start so we head towards the
Night of Joy
The first concert of the night that we tried to watch was
Jars of Clay. It was interesting that the crowd seemed really built up but
this was due to the fact that no one was allowed near the castle as they were
testing the equipment for the Hallmark Channel taping. About 15 minutes
before the concert started guests were allowed access to the front of the
castle. we however stayed near the Walt Disney Partners
Due to the threat of a tropical storm most of the stage was
covered by a white pavilion structure that totally obscured the majestic
backdrop of Cinderella's Castle. At 7:30pm Jars of Clay took the
stage. Their first number started with the band using acoustic
guitars. This was a bad sign. Jars of Clay seemed to have no stage
presence and gave a very lackluster performance. We stayed for one more
song with hopes that it would get better but the excitement just was not
there. Since we were hungry we went into Frontierland to get turkey legs.
At the Splash Mountain stage Nicole C Mullen had started her
concert. The level of energy was the antithesis of Jars of Clay and the
spirit of God seemed to be embodied in her performance. She had a great
stage presence and the crowd was very into her music. Luckily we were able
to see her concert while waiting in the long line to get our turkey lags.
We enjoyed most of her concert while we tried to finish our turkey legs (a tough
task as the turkey legs are huge and quite filling).
After that we headed back towards the hub and over to
Tomorrowland. We stopped at the merchandise cart at the end of Main
Street. About the only thing for sale was a blue tie dyed Night of Joy
t-shirt that did not even list the bands on the back of the shirt. I wish
that they would have offered a solid colored shirt and I especially wished that
the bands had been listed on the shirt. Needless to say I did not buy
one. I also asked if there were any Night of Joy pins available and was
told that they had not even made one this year.
We headed towards the galaxy palace theater as Petra was
going to be performing there and that was the band we most wanted to see.
It was about 8:30 and Petra was not performing until 10:30 and Rebecca St James
was not going to start her second set until 9:00pm.
As we were deciding want to do to kill some of the time we
noticed that the Carousel of Progress was spinning. This was indeed
strange as the attraction was listed on the normal day schedule as not operating
that day and it was not listed at all on the Night of Joy program. we went
up to it and found out that it was running and so we decided it ride it.
The theatre was actually a lot fuller than I would have expected it to be
filling up nearly half the seats. This was Anthony's first time
experiencing this great Disney classic and he was quite blown away by it.
It was amazing that this is mostly a forty year old attraction and still had the
power to impress. The Carousel of Progress is the type of attraction that
anyone, especially people like Anthony who mostly does not like thrill rides,
can enjoy and be amazed by, the type of attraction Disney should still be making
and marketing. There was a problem with the ride however and that was
after we had finished watching the last scene the carousel started to rotate to
the exit chamber and the ride stalled before it made it all the way
around. It took about 10 minutes but we were finally exited from the
attraction but it still was a unique experience.
After the attraction we decided to get near as possible to
the entrance to the Galaxy Palace stage to get a good seat for the Petra
concert. Rebecca St James had started her second set and the area was
quite crowded. We were near the exit to Buzz Lightyear. We were
under the impression that the theater would be cleared out after Rebecca St
James' set like it had been last year. One of the other patrons behind us
asked one of the security guards if this was going to be the case and was told
that the theater would not be cleared out. Because of this we decided that
we need to try and get as close as possible to the front by working our way
through the crowd of the Rebecca St James concert.
Rebecca St James' concert was pretty good. We did not
totally enjoy it like we should have as part of us was watching the concert and
the other part was trying to get closer to the stage for the next concert.
Rebecca did talk about still being pure and writing love letters to her future
husband. She said that part of her desire to remain pure came from a True
Love Waits rally that was held in Washington D.C. about ten years ago.
This really stuck out in my mind due to the fact that I had also been at this
same rally which had taken place at a Christian youth rally called DC/LA 94.
(Coincidently this rally which took place on the Washington Mall also featured a
performance by Petra). Rebecca ended her concert with a very moving
rendition of her hit single God.
At the end of her concert about half of the crowd left
but the auditorium quickly filled back up for people wanting to see the
Petra. We ended up getting seats about 3 rows back from the front
row. Amazingly we ended up sitting next to the exact same people that sat
next to us at the Petra concert at last year's Night of Joy. Just before
Petra came on stage a light rain started to fall. This unfortunately meant
that Petra did not do a complete sound check.
Petra took the stage at 10:30pm. Their first song was
the title cut of their newest album Jeckyl & Hyde. Due to the
limited sound check this performance had some of the worst sound I had ever
heard from Petra. Thankfully after about 2 or 3 songs they had adjusted
the sound to a much better quality. Petra did have an overall new sound
from their previous incarnations due to their new drummer, Justin Johnson, who
plays a double bass drum which give Petra a metal rock kind of
Petra's first couple of songs were from their new
album. Then they played some of their slightly older efforts. But
the best thing that they did all night was a medley of some of their older stuff
which included Sight Unseen/ It is Finished/ and This Means War.
(Video will be available soon of this performance). Overall I would
say that Petra's first set was the best concert I saw all weekend. Their
second set was good but was mostly the same set that they had done last year
with slight musical variation mostly due to the new drummer and the absence of a
keyboard player. This concert was filmed for the Hallmark Channel special
which should air later this year.
The Petra concert was the end of our Night of Joy journey in
the Magic Kingdom. After about a 30 minute wait for the ferry boat to head
back to the Transportation and Ticket Center we walked to our car even though it
was still raining due to the incredibly long line for a tram ride to the parking
lot. We finally arrived back at our hotel and fell asleep at at 2am.